Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflection Essay # 3

While I believe I was successful in completing the majority of the course learning outcomes, I do not think I was completely successful on outcomes # 7, #8, and #9. The reason for this being that the learning outcomes were too broad and there was not sufficient time in a five week course to determine the extent to which success was achieved. The outcomes or objectives are noble in their intent and looking at my submitted assignment, one could determine that I had achieved some level of mastery on each objective at least on the level of a learning assignment. Effctive practice, however, is another story. My strategic plans would have to be implemented in the actual school setting to determine how effective they are and as a result whether or not I was succesfull in their design and implementation.
Given that I am teaching a full load of classes and that I am a sub-administrator in the role of small learning community coordinator, I felt that course load was a bit demanding with not enough time to conduct more effective interviews. I could have spent a week simply gathering data on the use of technology on my campus and comparing that information to the campus plan.
The third week of he course, my I school administered the benchmark TAKS exams under true testing conditions. As a result, I had no conference time for fours days and had to squeeze in interview where I could. Given that I also teach an after school theatre production class, I found it rather stressfull and difficult to complete the assignment that week. This was reflected in my grade of 95 instead of 100 that I received in the previous two weeks.
While I found the course very useful and interesting I do think it need some revison in regards to the timeline for completion of the assignments and the number of readings and responses required to other student's postings.

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