Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflection Essy # 2

Although I am a digital immigrant, I believe that the knowledge and skills I was able to master in this course are very relevant to the work I do, as a small learning community coordinator and as a teacher.
As a teacher, I have already begun to use those skills in the classroom. I have begun to use ditigal technology in my theatre course through the use of flip cameras and computer editing. I am preparing to establish a blog that will center on research and commentary on a play I will be directing in the spring.
As a small learning community coordinator, I have introduced the topic of technology use for student learning in my weekly meetings with teachers and will place an item on each week's agenda, where teachers will share with the group ways they have incorporate technology into student learning.
I know I still have much to learn and I am committed to take free technology courses my district offers in the summer so I can continue to evolve into a twenty-first century educator, whether in the role of teacher or administrator.

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